
Eliminate that air that floats in between us at night. It’s too cold. It’s freezes my flesh. No instead I’d rather have you close to me. Warming me in all the right spots like you used to. Intimacy. That’s what we need. To let our love fly free. To let you be inside of me without really being inside of me. Beyond penetration. Where gazing and grazing on your food for soul that you offer me daily never ceases to amaze me. Where you eliminate the tears and fears I feel as I stare lonely and anxious and the realization of how ugly I truly am. This ugly hurts. It goes farther and deeper than skin on a body. It haunts me daily as I sit and recycle memories of the ways in which I ran away aimed at something different because I thought I new better. But come stormy weather you held me together better than any sweater or shelter could. So no space. Please. No space. I chase and pace until it wastes away. I just pray that in the process we don’t. 

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